Obsidian's Hardware Keyboard Support on iOS/iPadOS

From forum.obsidian.md
Within Obsidian, I am able to press the keys that I am used to pressing to perform the commands I want. However, I am unable to jump from word to word using `Control+left/right`.

Issues with modifier keys on iOS with hardware keyboard


Modifier Key Customization

From forum.obsidian.md
I have adjusted the iOS settings for the hardware keyboard such that pressing: Command=Option, Control=Command, and Option=No action.

Issues with modifier keys on iOS with hardware keyboard


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Full Keyboard Access Challenges

iOS accessibility keyboard control seems to be un-implemented. Either the entire app gets focus in an unhelpful way, or unexpected areas get focus.

[FR] iOS Full Keyboard Access - Feature requests


User Experiences and Feedback

From reddit.com
Obsidian has its quirks, but it is doable. I would suggest an external keyboard for actual note taking.

How is Obsidian for you on an Ipad? : r/ObsidianMD
